DotCom Secrets Book Review

DotCom Secrets Book Review For 2019

DotCom Secrets by Russell Brunson (CEO of ClickFunnels) is a truly great book. This is my DotCom Secrets Book Review that you need to read. If you are an entrepreneur, a business owner, a marketer or a digital marketer then ‘DotCom Secrets’ should be top of your list to read as soon as possible.

You can get your own FREE Copy of DotCom Secrets Here.

DotCom Secrets Book Review 2019 

Even for experienced digital marketers, ‘DotCom Secrets’ is full to the brim of wonderful ‘Aha’ moments that makes a lot of things you may have seen online fall into place.

The book is easy and clear to read, really enjoyable and makes the best use of simple drawings to make everything it talks about even clearer.

DotCom Secrets has been endorsed by the great Tony Robbins and this is what he has to say about Russell Brunson,

“Russell has spent over a decade successfully starting and scaling companies online. This book takes the best of what he’s discovered from over 1,000 unique split tests, hundreds of millions of visitors and broken it down into a simple process that ANY company can use to geometrically improve their traffic, conversion and sales online.” – Tony Robbins.

If you are wondering why Tony Robbins is endorsing Russell Brunson and his work, it’s because when you visit Tony’s websites and products / courses / webinars / masterclasses you will see ClickFunnels and what is taught in DotCom Secrets at work.

The methods like Value Ladders, Sales Funnels, Email Marketing and Attractive Character can be seen in the sales pages, videos, upsells, downsells and order bumps.

DotCom Secrets and this DotCom Secrets Book Review [2019] can transform your business, your mindset and the your success into the future.

Best of all, you can get Russell Brunsons ‘DotCom Secrets’ completely for FREE!  All you need to do is cover the shipping costs to get it sent to you anywhere in the world.

Huge Bonus When You Join ClickFunnels

If you decide to move forward and become a Funnel Hacker after reading DotCom Secrets and it has been via my link you will receive a huge bundle of bonus items to get you started.

Click Here To See Them All. 

DotCom Secrets Book Review On YouTube

You can check out my DotCom Secrets Book Review 2019 on YouTube where I discuss how it changed my business and how I am moving forward with what I learnt after reading Russell Brunson’s DotCom Secrets.


Overview of the DotCom Secrets Book

DotCom Secrets is not just another ‘How To’ book on internet marketing, it is way more than that. If you have been into digital marketing for a while you will undoubtedly been bombarded with tons of offers from Warrior Plus and JV Zoo from vendors and affiliates who offer you the world and tell you how easy it is to drive thousands of hungry buyers to your websites. 

The truth is, very few of these actually do what they say on the tin, and if they did, when they land on your product or services it is completely irrelevant to the marketing technique you have used to get them there.

DotCom Secrets (and Expert Secrets) will not teach you how to get rich quick.  DotCom Secrets will give you the information you need, in an easy to understand way that  you can use to successfully promote and sell any product online. Not just now, but into the future because the techniques are evergreen. It is the methods that direct sales marketers have been using forever but the book condenses it all down so you can read, understand and apply the knowledge fast to your business or product.

Expert Secrets gives you everything you need to create the perfect product using the unique skills and experiences that you have.  This is why the two books, DotCom Secrets and Expert Secrets are so perfectly matched together.

If you have still not had a look at the FREE DotCom Secrets website then please get across and order your copy today.  

My Aha Moments From DotCom Secrets

To be honest, there were loads of Aha moments when I was reading DotCom Secrets and I am going to share them with you in this DotCom Secrets Review.

The most significant moment for me was understanding The Value Ladder and how to apply it to my business. I had heard of the value ladder before in other products but it never occurred to me that I could apply it to my business. It was the way in which Russell Brunson explained it, demonstrated with images and then visually on a video that it suddenly all became clear.

The value ladder doesn’t just apply to digital products, it applies to all business types and can be used to upsell / promote / give value within any business model. 

One of the other significant  moments within DotCom Secrets was email sequencing types, in Russell case he uses what he has termed the Soap Opera sequence and the Seinfield sequence, combined with The Attractive Character you have created.

I have seen loads of products that offer free email sequences that you can use to promote their products and nearly all of them basically are emails just reselling the same products in an unpleasant way, no wonder they get marked as spam and deleted or blocked.

With Russell’s method, he concentrates on building a connection with his customers, speaking to them personally via email so that they want to open emails because they will be pleasant to read, funny or full of value.

This is why people will stay on the email lists for so long and move up the value ladder over time.

Again, this is changing the way that I am doing my email marketing, it does mean that I have to rewrite a lot of my emails autoresponder sequences but it is the way to long term profits and a fantastic customer / client relationship.

I have heard of ClickFunnels (who hasn’t!) but have never used it. I have always used WordPress for all of my website creation, both for my own business and that of my clients and I will continue to do so for standard business website creation, however, any of my clients who have a need for a Sales Funnel or to promote specific services I am going to recommend and use ClickFunnels because it is the best.  Looking at business, ClickFunnels will sit perfectly next to a business website (basically an online brochure) but to sell specific services, ClickFunnels is the way ahead.

You can get a 14 day Free Trail of ClickFunnels here.

In the remainder of this DotCom Secrets Review I will cover a number of the key moments from the book, however, I cannot do it justice.  What you need to do is get your FREE copy of DotCom Secrets sent out to you as soon as possible.


The Value Ladder

The Value Ladder is the way you take a clients initial interest in your product all the way through to your highest selling item or service. What a lot of people seem to forget is that this takes time, someone you have just met is not going to invest tens of thousands with you until they know and trust you.

The great thing about value ladder is that you can apply it to any business model at all.  I have applied to my business of web design and digital marketing and am currently applying the same principles to one of my clients businesses, and he is a roofer.

In the book you will see images of the ClickFunnels Value Ladder and once you become aware of it you will start to see the same principle in a number of different businesses.

You will also start to see different Value Ladder’s at different stages of the sales process.  You can apply it to any product or service. I cannot do it justice so you really need to check the book out or if you check out the 10X presentation that Russell did you will see the principle explained clearer there.

From Ladder To Funnel

Once you understand how you can apply The Value Ladder to your own business and services / products Russell Brunson discusses how you can change from the Value Ladder and put it all together into a Sales Funnel. 

The Sales Funnel is the digital and online method that you are going to use to sell your products to your clients.  It is a step by step process where you get traffic to your website and sales page with a free or minimal payment offer, then go through a number of steps as you upsell your clients.  Whist doing this you get them into an email autoresponder sequence and continue to build and nurture your relationship with your new clients.

It is this method that you use to move your clients and customers up your value ladder whilst at the same time introducing them to new Value Ladders and Sales Funnels.

Even if the process sounds complicated, it isn’t. It is explained in a clear and concise manner that anyone can absorb and understand.

That is one of the best things about DotCom Secrets, everything is really clear and simple.  Russell Brunson’s delivery of the methods of marketing is amazing, so even if you are completely new to online marketing and sales funnels you will pick it up and learn fast.


Three Types Of Traffic

In DotCom Secrets, Russell explains the three types of traffic that we all have access to, again, it is something that I have not really made the most of since I have been working online and I could kick myself for missing out on something so obvious and vital to the success of any business online.

I have always heard the saying that ‘ The money is in the list’ but never really thought that it applied to my business, I always felt that, once a client had purchased a website there was nothing really I could sell them so what was the point in spending time creating newsletters etc to keep in touch.

How wrong I was, Russell makes it clear about the types of traffic available to us all:

  1. Traffic We Control. This is web traffic that is generated via advertising, whether it is from Google, Instagram, Facebook or whatever. We pay for this traffic and can switch it on or off at any time.
  2. Traffic We Don’t Control.  This is web traffic that finds us, via our social media routes, like YouTube,  Facebook or via your Blog. We have no control over this traffic, we publish information online and potential clients find us.
  3. Finally, there is traffic that we own, these are the visitors who have visited our website, social media or sales pages and have then submitted their email to us.  This then allows us to market and contact these people at anytime, we own the email address of these people.

What we need to concentrate on is taking traffic that we control and don’t control and turning those visitors into traffic that we own so that we can continue to market to them forever and ascend them through our value ladder and sales funnels.

The way to turn visitors into traffic is by capturing their email addresses via Landing Pages, Email Opt In’s, product giveaways, online quizzes and more.

The entire chapter is dedicated to understanding the importance of creating Traffic you own.

The Attractive Character

In DotCom Secrets Russell Brunson discusses what he terms as The Attractive Character and exactly the reasons why customers are attracted to you and how you can make the most of your client / seller relationship to increase sales and get your prospects moving up your Value Ladder.

Using an interesting backstory that your customers can relate to,character flaws so that your customers can connect to you on a personal level because you have been through the same difficult process as well are all methods to build that relationship so that your clients trust you and want to buy and learn from you.

He talks about the type of character you should be depending on the type of product or service you are promoting, are you a leader, an adventurer living the life of freedom or a reluctant hero who just stumbled and found a way to success. Your clients and customers connect to these type of people, the same as we connect to other people. 

Your Attractive Character does not have to be a super hero, look at the people you like and follow, how do they do it, why do you follow them, what attracts you about their character?  You then apply that to your self.

Tell stories to your clients, people in general love a good story and will read and listen to it. However, you link the story to something you are selling or promoting to ease your clients in that direction.

When you have read the chapter you will start to see The Attractive Character throughout the emails you receive and products you buy. This method is vital to keeping your clients coming back for more, keep buying from you and keep opening those emails.

Email Sequences

Everything that Russell Brunson teaches in DotCom Secrets ties together beautifully from chapter to chapter.

The way in which The Attractive Character then moves into the email sequences to keep your customers and clients engaged in your products is great.  Apart from your normal promotional emails you should be making the most of what he terms Soap Opera emails and Seinfield emails to keep the open rate high.

Soap Opera emails are compelling stories that move over a number of days, each email ending on a cliff hanger to keep your reader waiting for the next instalment. You discuss your topic or story but never complete it, just reach the point where you tell the reader they will have to open and read tomorrows email to get the answer they want.

The Sienfield emails are emails about nothing in particular, but make you personal to the person reading, talk about things that have happen in your day or an old story that the reader may be able to relate to.  Then at the end, tie the email to a product or something else to get them to take positive action.

Creating those bonds between you and your clients is the way you will continue to monetise your business forever and keep your clients thinking of you and your services.  Plus you will be introducing them to new funnels or ascending your Value Ladders.

Funnel Hacking

Although the term Funnel Hacking sounds a bit underhand and wrong, it is anything but. Funnel Hacking is the term used to look at what is working and then reverse engineering that and applying it to your own business or products.

If someone has successfully got you to click an advert, exchange your email address for a free report and then move onto to making a purchase, then that funnel is working.

There is nothing wrong with looking at the steps that have been used in that Sales Funnel and applying it to your business.  That does not mean you copy the sales copy word for word but you look at what has worked effectively on you and then apply that to your business with your own wording and images.

ClickFunnels, which is Russell Brunson’s company is the king of Funnel Hacking, in fact, when you become a Funnel Hacker you will get access to hundreds of ready made successful sales funnels, some of which have generated millions of dollars of revenue.

You can read my ClickFunnels Review Here. 

All you need to do is add your own slant and personality to them and you are ready to go.

To have a look at ClickFunnels and get loads of free training, including access to Funnel Builder Secrets  Lite and a free 14 day trail just click here.

ClickFunnels and Funnel Hacking is a shortcut to success, if it is working for other successful business owners and entrepreneurs then it can work for you.  All you need to do is get started and take action.

The Best Bait

The Best Bait is talking about what can you give to your potential clients in order for them to give you their email so that you can start the seller to client relationship and ascend them up your Value Ladder.

Through thousands of tests, Russell confirmed that the best way to monetise your clients is to give them something for FREE.  That’s right, the best way to make money is to give your potential clients Value for free.  Once you establish trust with your clients they will see the value you can give them, this then removes the barriers to them purchasing from you.

In DotCom Secrets the 100 visitor test is shown where 100 visitors are sent to a sales page where they sell a product for $197, 1% of the visitors converted and this meant that they made $197.

However, in another test they gave away a free report in exchange for an email address. 8% of the visitors took the free report, they were then sent straight to the same sales page and of that 8% who took the free report, 2 of them purchased the product at $197, making the seller ÂŁ394.

That is the power of giving away something for free and building that initial trust between seller and customer.

Not only that but 8 new people were added to the list so that they can continue to be sold to as the relationship continues. 

In Summary

I do not know what else I can say about DotCom Secrets to tell you how good it is!  Especially for a book that is Free, all you do is cover shipping.

I have only briefly covered what you will discover in the book and cannot do it justice, you need to get your own copy as soon as possible before it is no longer available for FREE!

I hope you have enjoyed this DotCom Secrets Review 2019 and share it with other business owners and entrepreneurs who would benefit from this great book.

Click Here To Access Your FREE Copy Of DotCom Secrets.


Your Bonus Stack

List Of Bonuses For Joining ClickFunnels

Bonus 1 – Email and Facebook Chat Support ($997)

Bonus 2 – Tier 5 Software Bundle and Bonus Rights ($15,984)

Bonus 3 – Group Convert ($197)

Bonus 4 – Share Funnel Library, 46 Share Funnels you can import into your ClickFunnels Account ($497)

Bonus 5 – Ultimate list of lifetime recurring affiliate programs ($297)

Bonus 6 – Million dollar Ad Swipe Library, discover the exact ads that the 40 top internet entrepreneurs use ($197)

Bonus 7 -Bonus Vault, 40 extra bonuses to give away as lead magnets and bonuses ($97)

Bonus 8 – How To Explode Your YouTube Channel ($197)

Bonus 9 – Commission Blueprint ($97)

Bonus 10 – List Building On Steroids – ($97)

Bonus 11 – 10k Story Telling Formula ($97)

Bonus 12 – Facebook Traffic hack ($197)

Bonus 13 – Facebook Traffic Enigma ($97)

Bonus 14 – Huge collection of graphics packs to add to your Sales Funnels and websites ($319)

Total Value of ClickFunnels Bonuses of $19,367!!

Affiliate Disclaimer – I am an independent ClickFunnels affiliate and not an employee. I receive referral payments form ClickFunnels. The opinions expressed here are my own and not official statemens of ClickFunnels or its parent compnay, Etison LLC.

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